Keje Keje dan Keje.......

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ak da keje shif mlm 3hr berturut2.. Tggl 1 mlm je lg..Kalau jd nurse mmg common la jadual keje mlm, keje 4hr, cuti 3hr.. Tp wad ak ni lain ckit sbb wad ni consider wad yg agak bz.. So dat ktrg terpaksa la keje 4mlm, cuti 2hr je then kene buat double shif mmg toksah ckp la mcm mane.. Penat mmg penat, tp bile dpt gaji, tersenyum lebar.. hehehehehe.. Tp penah jugak aku tak tahan sgt penat so ak mtk double ak tu ganti dgn cuti, bkn dibayar.. Bile da keje ni, bru ak tau mcm mane mama n abah susah2 cr duit bg ktrg adik beradik mkn n duit blanje.. mase ak blaja dulu ak suke sgt boros2 duit, ms tu ak tak pk ape sgt sbb ak tau bile duit ak hbs je mama n abah ade.. So, no worry.. Skrg ni............ Bile takde duit je start la pening sane cni.. Huhuhu.. Nsb baik la kdg2 mama n abah mcm faham2.. Malu ak.... Ak syg sgt mama n abah....... 

p/s : mtk2 la anak aku nant tak ikut perangai aku... kalau tak........................... huuuhhhhhhhh... 


Asrull said...

Cyro/cruff pasang terbalik, emas is better than pearls, basuh tahi org sucks, pilots gets all the girls...

lela hanany said...

n kite dah nk kawen dah sekarang kan MR 602.... another 30days to go... =)

Asrull said...

And whoever thought we would get this far...against all odds. We even suprised ourselves... Yet, dear pls know that this is just the beginning of our journey together... it might be rough sometimes but i'll assure ther'll be more happy times.. Plus, eternal happiness is never easy... :-)

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